📄️ Quick Start
Next.js Setup
📄️ Configuration
Bucket Types
📄️ Backend Client
Sometimes you might want to use the Edge Store functionality directly from your backend. Things like deleting, uploading or even listing files can be done with the use of the backend client.
📄️ Utils
Download links
📄️ Error Handling
You might need to handle specific server errors in your application. Here is an example of how you can do that.
📄️ Logging
The Edge Store package outputs some logs on the server-side. You can configure the log level by passing the logLevel option when creating the api handler. You can set it to debug to see in more details what is happening in the server.
📄️ Troubleshooting
If you followed the docs to get started with Edge Store, but you are having issues, here are some things you can try to find out what the problem might be.