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Backend Client

Sometimes you might want to use the Edge Store functionality directly from your backend. Things like deleting, uploading or even listing files can be done with the use of the backend client.


You can use your Edge Store router to initialize the backend client.

Since Next.js doesn't allow exports in the api route, you will need to move your router to an external file.

import { initEdgeStoreClient } from '@edgestore/server/core';
// ...
export const handler = createEdgeStoreNextHandler({
router: edgeStoreRouter,
// ...
export const backendClient = initEdgeStoreClient({
router: edgeStoreRouter,

Then you will need to update your api route to use the exported handler.

import { handler } from '@/lib/edgestore-server';
export { handler as GET, handler as POST };

You can find an example of the backend client usage in the next-advanced example.

Backend Upload

You can use the upload function to upload files from your backend.

Upload a text file

The simplest use case would be to just upload a txt file:

const res = await backendClient.publicFiles.upload({
content: 'some text content',

Upload a blob

You can also upload a more complex file using the Blob object. And there are also all the other options available in the normal upload.

const res = await backendClient.publicFiles.upload({
content: {
blob: new Blob(['col1,col2,col2'], { type: 'text/csv' }),
extension: 'csv',
options: {
temporary: true,
ctx: {
userId: '123',
userRole: 'admin',
input: {
type: 'post',

Copy an existing file

You can use an existing file's URL to copy it into the Edge Store bucket. This can be an external file (from outside of Edge Store) or an existing Edge Store file.

const res = await backendClient.publicFiles.upload({
content: {
url: '',
extension: 'txt',

Confirm a temporary file upload

If you upload a temporary file, you can confirm it by using the confirmUpload function.

const res = await backendClient.publicFiles.confirmUpload({
url: fileUrl,

Backend Delete

You can use the deleteFile function to delete files from your backend.

const res = await backendClient.publicFiles.deleteFile({
url: fileUrl,

You can use the listFiles function to list files from your backend. It's also possible to filter the results by path, metadata or upload timing.

// simple usage
// get the first page (20 files) of all files in the bucket
const res = await backendClient.publicFiles.listFiles();
// with filter and pagination
const res = await backendClient.publicFiles.listFiles({
filter: {
metadata: {
role: 'admin',
path: {
type: 'post',
uploadedAt: {
gt: new Date( - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7), // past 7 days
pagination: {
currentPage: 1, // default: 1
pageSize: 50, // default: 20 (max: 100)

TypeScript Helpers

Sometimes you might want to have the response type of the backend client functions, so you can use it to build your own functions. You can use the InferClientResponse helper type to infer the response type of the backend client.

import { type InferClientResponse } from '@edgestore/server/core';
// ...
* This helper type can be used to infer the response type of the backend client
export type ClientResponse = InferClientResponse<EdgeStoreRouter>;

And you can use it like this:

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps<{
files: ClientResponse['publicFiles']['listFiles']['data'];
}> = async () => {
const res = await backendClient.publicFiles.listFiles();
return { props: { files: } };