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Bucket Types

There are two types of file buckets: IMAGE and FILE. Both types of buckets work basically the same way, but the IMAGE bucket only accepts certain mime types.

IMAGE buckets automatically generate a thumbnail version of the image file if the file is bigger than 200px in width or height. In case a thumbnail was generated, the url will be included in the response of the upload request.

const edgeStoreRouter = es.router({
publicFiles: es.fileBucket(),
publicImages: es.imageBucket(),

Basic File Validation

You can set the maximum file size and the accepted mime types for every file bucket.

const edgeStoreRouter = es.router({
publicFiles: es.fileBucket({
maxSize: 1024 * 1024 * 10, // 10MB
accept: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'], // wildcard also works: ['image/*']


Many of the functions that you can use to configure your file buckets receive a context object as an argument. This object is generated by the createContext function that you pass to your router configuration.

import { initEdgeStore } from '@edgestore/server';
import {
type CreateContextOptions,
} from '@edgestore/server/adapters/next/app';
import { z } from 'zod';
type Context = {
userId: string;
userRole: 'admin' | 'user';
async function createContext({ req }: CreateContextOptions): Promise<Context> {
const { id, role } = await getUserSession(req); // replace with your own session logic
return {
userId: id,
userRole: role,
const es = initEdgeStore.context<Context>().create();
// ...
export default createEdgeStoreNextHandler({
router: edgeStoreRouter,
* The context is generated and saved to a cookie
* in the first load of the page.

You might need to refresh the context (e.g. when the user logs in or logs out). You can do this by calling the reset function from the useEdgeStore hook.

const { edgestore, reset } = useEdgeStore();
async function runAfterAuthChange() {
await reset(); // this will re-run the createContext function

Metadata & File Path

Every uploaded file can hold two types of data: metadata and path. You can use this data for access control or for filtering files. The metadata and path can be generated from the context (ctx) or from the input of the upload request.

const edgeStoreRouter = es.router({
publicFiles: es
// this input will be required for every upload request
category: z.string(),
// e.g. /publicFiles/{category}/{author}
.path(({ ctx, input }) => [
{ category: input.category },
{ author: ctx.userId },
// this metadata will be added to every file in this bucket
.metadata(({ ctx, input }) => ({
userRole: ctx.userRole,

Lifecycle Hooks

You can use the beforeUpload and beforeDelete hooks to allow or deny file uploads and deletions. The beforeDelete hook must be defined if you want to delete files directly from the client.

const edgeStoreRouter = es.router({
publicFiles: es
* return `true` to allow upload
* By default every upload from your app is allowed.
.beforeUpload(({ ctx, input, fileInfo }) => {
console.log('beforeUpload', ctx, input, fileInfo);
return true; // allow upload
* return `true` to allow delete
* This function must be defined if you want to delete files directly from the client.
.beforeDelete(({ ctx, fileInfo }) => {
console.log('beforeDelete', ctx, fileInfo);
return true; // allow delete

Access Control (Experimental)

You can use the accessControl function to add bucket level logic to allow or deny access to files. If you have ever used Prisma, you will probably notice that the structure of the accessControl function is similar to how you would write a Prisma query.

If you set the accessControl function, your bucket will automatically be configured as a protected bucket. You cannot change a protected bucket to a public bucket after it has been created. The opposite is also true, you cannot change a public bucket to a protected bucket.

To access files from a protected bucket the user will need a specific encrypted cookie generated in your server by the Edge Store package. Which means that they will only be able to access the files from within your app. Sharing the url of a protected file will not work.

The access control check is performed on an edge function without running any database queries, so you won't need to worry about bad performance on your protected files.

const filesBucket = es
.path(({ ctx }) => [{ author: ctx.userId }])
OR: [
// this will make sure that only the author of the file can access it
userId: { path: 'author' },
// or if the user is an admin
userRole: {
eq: 'admin',
}, // same as { userRole: 'admin' }

Other available operators are: eq, not, gt, gte, lt, lte, in, contains

Good to know

The access control functionality uses third party cookies. Since third party cookies are not supported in localhost (without https), in development, all the protected files will be proxied through your app's api so that the cookies can be forwarded to the file request.

Also, the <Image /> component from next/image does not forward the cookies in the request, so protected images won't be displayed. You will need ot use the <img /> tag instead.

Limit parallel uploads

When creating the provider, you can set the maximum number of concurrent uploads. Edge Store's context provider will take care of queuing the uploads and will automatically upload the next file when the previous one is finished.

const { EdgeStoreProvider, useEdgeStore } =
maxConcurrentUploads: 5, // default is 5

Base Path

In case your app is not hosted at the root of your domain, you can specify the base path. If you set this, make sure to set the full path to the EdgeStore API. e.g. /my-app/api/edgestore or

export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
return (
<EdgeStoreProvider basePath="/my-app/api/edgestore">
<Component {...pageProps} />

IMAGE bucket accepted mime types

mime type